On the 14C and 39Ar distribution in the central Arctic Ocean: implications for deep water formation

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45 Scopus citations


The data point toward mean ages of the bottom waters in the Eurasian Basin (Nansen and Amundsen Basins) of ca. 250-300 yr. Correction for the bomb 14C and 3H yields isolation ages for the bulk of the deep and bottom waters of the Amundsen Basin similar to those estimated for the Nansen Basin. Deep and bottom waters in the Canadian Basin (Makarov and Canada Basins) are very homogeneous, with an isolation age of ca. 450 yr. Δ14C and 39Ar data and a simple inverse model treating the Canadian Basin Deep Water (CBDW) as one well-mixed reservoir renewed by a mixture of Atlantic Water (29%), Eurasian Basin Deep Water (69%) and brine-enriched shelf water (2%) yield a mean residence time of CBDW of ca. 300 yr. -from Authors

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)327-343
Number of pages17
Issue number3
StatePublished - 1994
Externally publishedYes

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Archaeology
  • General Earth and Planetary Sciences


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