Microstructure and mechanical properties of hyperuniform heterogeneous materials

Yaopengxiao Xu, Shaohua Chen, Pei En Chen, Wenxiang Xu, Yang Jiao

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41 Scopus citations


A hyperuniform random heterogeneous material is one in which the local volume fraction fluctuations in an observation window decay faster than the reciprocal window volume as the window size increases. Recent studies show that this class of materials are endowed with superior physical properties such as large isotropic photonic band gaps and optimal transport properties. Here we employ a stochastic optimization procedure to systematically generate realizations of hyperuniform heterogeneous materials with controllable short-range order, which is partially quantified using the two-point correlation function S2(r) associated with the phase of interest. Specifically, our procedure generalizes the widely used Yeong-Torquato reconstruction procedure by including an additional constraint for hyperuniformity, i.e., the volume integral of the autocovariance function χ(r)=S2(r)-φ2 over the whole space is zero. In addition, we only require the reconstructed S2 to match the target function up to a certain cutoff distance γ, in order to give the system sufficient degrees of freedom to satisfy the hyperuniform condition. By systematically increasing the γ value for a given S2, one can produce a spectrum of hyperuniform heterogeneous materials with varying degrees of partial short-range order compatible with the specified S2. The mechanical performance including both elastic and brittle fracture behaviors of the generated hyperuniform materials is analyzed using a volume-compensated lattice-particle method. For the purpose of comparison, the corresponding nonhyperuniform materials with the same short-range order (i.e., with S2 constrained up to the same γ value) are also constructed and their mechanical performance is analyzed. Here we consider two specific S2 including the positive exponential decay function and the correlation function associated with an equilibrium hard-sphere system. For the constructed systems associated with these two specific functions, we find that although the hyperuniform materials are softer than their nonhyperuniform counterparts, the former generally possess a significantly higher brittle fracture strength than the latter. This superior mechanical behavior is attributed to the lower degree of stress concentration in the material resulting from the hyperuniform microstructure, which is crucial to crack initiation and propagation.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number043301
JournalPhysical Review E
Issue number4
StatePublished - Oct 2 2017

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Statistical and Nonlinear Physics
  • Statistics and Probability
  • Condensed Matter Physics


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