Long-Lived Photoinitiated Charge Separation in Carotene-Diporphyrin Triad Molecules

Devens Gust, Thomas Moore, Ana Moore, Feng Gao, David Luttrull, Janice M. DeGraziano, Xiaochun C. Ma, Lewis R. Makings, Seung Joo Lee, Todd T. Trier, Edith Bittersmann, Gilbert R. Seely, Susanne Woodward, René V. Bensasson, Michel Rougée, Frans C. De Schryver, Mark Van Der Auweraer

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

122 Scopus citations


A variety of molecular triads and dyads consisting of covalently linked carotenoid (C) and/or porphyrin (P) moieties have been prepared and studied with transient absorption and time-resolved fluorescence techniques. Diporphyrins of the type PA-PB and C-PA-PB triads demonstrate interporphyrin singlet-singlet energy transfer with rate constants ranging from 8.1 × 108 to 2.3 × 1010 s−1. The energy-transfer rates are not in accord with those predicted by the Förster dipole-dipole theory, and it is suggested that energy transfer involves a contribution from an electron-exchange mechanism. Interporphyrin photoinitiated electron transfer is observed in molecules possessing sufficient thermodynamic driving force to produce Pa•+-Pb•− and C-PA•+-PB•− charge-separated states. The electron-transfer rate constant increases with increasing reaction free energy change for the molecules studied, and rate constants up to 3.5 × 10′s−1 and quantum yields up to 0.68 were measured. The carotenodiporphyrin triad systems undergo a subsequent electron-transfer step to give final C•+-PA-PB•− states. These states are rather long lived (τ ≈ 250 ns), and the overall quantum yields range up to 0.32.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)3638-3649
Number of pages12
JournalJournal of the American Chemical Society
Issue number10
StatePublished - May 1 1991

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Catalysis
  • General Chemistry
  • Biochemistry
  • Colloid and Surface Chemistry


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