Cloud scalability measurement and testing

Xiaoying Bai, Jerry Gao, Wei Tek Tsai

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

6 Scopus citations


Cloud computing introduces a new paradigm for software deployment, hosting, and service renting. Based on the XaaS architecture, a large number of users may share computing resources, platform services, and application software in a multi-tenancy approach. To ensure service availability, the system needs to support an advanced level of massive scalability so that it can provide necessary resources on demand following the pay-per-use pricing model. This chapter analyzes the unique requirements of cloud performance and scalability, compared with traditional distributed systems. Measurements are proposed with performance indicators, meters, and metrics identified from different perspectives. To support scalability testing in a dynamic environment, an agent-based testing framework is proposed to facilitate adaptive load generation and simulation using a two-layer control architecture.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Title of host publicationSoftware Testing in the Cloud
Subtitle of host publicationPerspectives on an Emerging Discipline
PublisherIGI Global
Number of pages26
ISBN (Print)9781466625365
StatePublished - 2012

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Computer Science


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