EAGER: Collaborative Research: A Secure and resilient virtual trust routing framework for future Internet

  • Huang, Dijiang (PI)

Project: Research project

Project Details


EAGER: Collaborative Research: A Secure and resilient virtual trust routing framework for future Internet EAGER: Collaborative Research: A Secure and resilient virtual trust routing framework for future Internet EAGER: Collaborative Research: A Secure and resilient virtual trust routing framework for future Internet The goal of this project is to develop an architectural approach to network of the future where trustworthiness is intrinsically built into the architecture, and demonstrate its feasibility through a proof-of-concept implementation. The supplemental funding is requested to complete our on-going implementation of the proof-of-concept, make the multi-continent testbed functional, and demonstrate the work.
Effective start/end date5/1/1012/31/13


  • National Science Foundation (NSF): $159,600.00


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