Children with MR: Families Processes and Dual Diagnosis

  • Crnic, Keith (PI)

Project: Research project

Project Details


The major tasks to be accomplished are to complete the behavioral observation coding of parent-child interactions across child ages 7 and 9 years. Two coding systems remain to be completed (Global Regulation and Regulatory Strategies) across subjects from each site. Also, data cleaning and analyses of the behavioral data are required. The final report from this project period will need to be developed and submitted PI Crnic will supervise two graduate students to complete the coding tasks. The graduate assistants will lead teams of trained undergraduate coders to accomplish the coding, monitoring progress, maintaining reliability, and running coder meetings that assist in the completion of the observational data coding. Each graduate assistant will prepare, monitor, and enter data; and perform data cleaning to assure quality of the data for entry into the project data files. PI Crnic will develop and submit final report from this project period, as well as continue to disseminate findings from this project in concert with PIs Baker and Blacher. All work for this subcontract will be completed by December 28, 2009.
Effective start/end date12/1/0811/30/10


  • HHS-NIH: National Institute of Child Health & Human Development (NICHD): $42,975.00


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