Understanding Fisher Behavior: The Case of Snapper Fishers in Indonesia

Jens Koed Madsen, Rani Ekawaty, Aarthi Ananthanarayanan, Richard Bailey, Ernesto Carrella, Chris Dorsett, Michael Drexler, Peter Mous, Umi Muawanah, Steven Saul

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    1 Scopus citations


    It is important to incorporate fisher motivations and behavior into fisheries management models. Incorrect be-havioral assumptions may yield ineffective incentives or interventions or even produce unintended conse-quences. To understand fisher behavior in a developing country, we surveyed 93 Indonesian snapper fishers. Results suggest they consider competing aspects such as income, personal reputation, and sociocultural norms when deciding where and what to fish; they update beliefs about location, bountifulness, and catchability of target fish stocks through direct observations, inferences over geographical similarities, and social interactions with other fishers, and they evaluate satisfaction economically as well as socially. Information sharing and social knowledge are likely port-specific, representing local sociocultural norms rather than being related to vessel size, target catch, or other demographics. The prevalence of information sharing and imitation patterns sug-gests that fisher decision-making in Indonesian snapper fisheries has a significant sociocultural component. We discuss implications for fisheries management models and for policy decisions.

    Original languageEnglish (US)
    Pages (from-to)85-100
    Number of pages16
    JournalMarine Resource Economics
    Issue number1
    StatePublished - Jan 2023


    • Choice preferences
    • decision-making
    • economic factors
    • field study
    • fisher behavior
    • Indonesia
    • semi-structured interviews
    • sociocultural factors

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • Oceanography
    • Geography, Planning and Development
    • Economics and Econometrics
    • Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law


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