Reducing Power, Electro Stress and Improving Speed in Three A-Si Transistors Row Driver

David Allee (Inventor), Lawrence Clark (Inventor), Gregory Raupp (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


This invention provides a new way to solve the static power dissipation of a-Si circuit row driver. Also, the invention reduces the average electro stress to certain extent. In a way, worst case transistor will be on only about 50% of time. Besides, the structure of the row driver is simple, which has only three transistors and the speed of the invented row driver can be fast comparing to other design, such as design in fig3, etc. However, from reducing electro stress point of view in a-Si row driver, the new invention might not be the best option, since there is a almost none-stress a-Si row driver design has been proposed.
Original languageEnglish (US)
StatePublished - Feb 3 2006


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