Method and Apparatus For Improvement of Movement Efficiency

Avi Wiezel (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


Movement efficiency training techniques are often based on imitating and rehearsing a "correct" way to perform a specific movement. Many times, the "correct" movement is considered to be the one made by successful professionals. Other times reverse kinematics are used to determine the optimal movement for a specific purpose. However, because of previous learned patterns of movement, many people are far from personal optimum for the specific movement and it is very difficult to teach a new movement pattern. Even when selected drills are used to break old habits and learn new movement patterns, when the entire motor skill is performed the tendency is for the performer to revert back to the original movement pattern.Researchers at ASU have discovered a new method and apparatus for improvement of movement efficiency. This method consists of dehabituation of the subject through training while wearing devices that inhibit and/or discourage the activity of individual muscles that contribute to the inefficiency of the targeted movement. This method allows dehabituation while performing the ensemble of movements, without the need to focus on individual movements.Potential commercial applications: 1. Performance increase for athletes, golfers, swimmers, racehorses, greyhounds, tennis players, and basketball players to name a few.2. Increase of safety for construction workers, truck drivers, typists, and other professions that may produce cumulative damage to different parts of the body such as the back or the carpal tunnel. The safety increase is achieved by correcting the posture of the subject.
Original languageEnglish (US)
StatePublished - Feb 11 2002


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