Insitu gelling - Self reactive materials for Cerebral Arteriorenous Malformation embolization (Endovascular embolization Material)

Brent Vernon (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


A common method for female permanent sterilization is tubal ligation, a surgical procedure where the fallopian tubes are cut and often removed, cauterized or sutured closed. A less invasive, less risky alternative has been the use of intrauterine devices (IUD). However, the risks are not completely eliminated by this method. For example, a significant number of cases of pelvic inflammatory disease, ectopic pregnancy and permanent infertility have been associated with the IUD. Although these methods are effective, there constantly exists a need for improved sterilization methods, particularly those with decreased associated risk and reversibility being the most desirable. Researchers at Arizona State University and collaborators have developed a suite of synergistic technologies with a wide range of applications in the health care field. These technologies include self-reactive gelling materials, thermo-responsive materials and hybrids thereof. These technologically advanced materials have applications of in situ gelling and thereby occlusion of lumens within the body. The invention provides an improved method for sterilization that utilizes in situ gelling materials. Potential Applications These gelling materials have wide potential applications in medical procedures where it is desired to physically occlude, or block, the lumen of an organ. One noted application is female and male sterilization and easily reversible long-term contraception. Another application important application is the embolization of cerebral arteriovenous malformations (AVMs); masses of abnormal blood vessel formations with a tendency to rupture. The market for these gelling materials is poised to grow rapidly, fueled by the need for reversible contraception/sterilization methods. Benefits and Advantages In situ gelling materials have many benefits and advantages including: Innovative materials easily injected through a single-lumen catheter Self-reactive nature of materials eliminates the problem of the catheter adhering to lumen and causing tissue damage Comparatively less invasive compared to currently in the market Easily reversible contraception Additional contraception applications Synthetic hormones such as progestin may be mixed with gel material for directed and time-release drug delivery These materials can be tailored for multiple drug delivery and contraceptive applications with high degree of fine control over gellation timeDownload original PDF
Original languageEnglish (US)
StatePublished - Apr 21 2003


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