"I'm a Black female who happens to be Muslim": Multiple marginalities of an immigrant black muslim woman on a predominantly white campus

Keon McGuire, Saskias Casanova, Charles H.F. Davis

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

28 Scopus citations


Often scholarship concerning religion and spirituality overwhelmingly privileges White, male, Christian students' perspectives and fail to interrogate the interplay of cultural, gender, and racial dynamics within these investigations. Even further, very few studies examine the experiences of those who occupy multiple marginalized social categories. Therefore, this study seeks to advance our collective knowledge by closely engaging the narrative of an individual case of a Black, Muslim, immigrant, female college student born in Saudi Arabia. Using intersectionality, particularly Collins' matrix of domination, as the basis of the theoretical framework, we present findings that relate to how her gendered, religious, immigrant, racial, and ethnic identities influenced interactions across multiple communities and the strategies she used to navigate diverse educational spaces.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)316-329
Number of pages14
JournalJournal of Negro Education
Issue number3
StatePublished - 2016


  • College students
  • Gender
  • Race
  • Religion

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Education
  • Anthropology


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