How to work across multiple sectors to respond to human trafficking: Values, leadership, alliances, and program models

Celia Williamson, Dominique Roe-Sepowitz

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

    1 Scopus citations


    This chapter focuses on how to work across multiple sectors to effectively respond to human trafficking. Using an anti-trafficking coalition as the vehicle for collaboration, we first focus on the values and ethics needed to work with a vulnerable and victimized population. Next, we discuss how to set the coalition on the right course by providing solid leadership, focusing on the mission, working to establish shared ownership, and ensuring that leadership grows with its coalition. Inclusivity breeds success. We emphasize the need for coalition members that are ethnically, professionally, and experientially diverse and that allow its members to contribute from various perspectives, experiences, and knowledge bases. Critical to the chapter is the discussion regarding the need for transparent communication from the leadership to the membership and vice versa (vertical communication) and across membership (horizontal communication), as well as clear logistical (where, when, and how often to meet) and structural components (bylaws and a strategic plan). The chapter delves into various pitfalls and barriers that impede the success of an anti-trafficking coalition. Two successful models of a multi-sector response to human trafficking are presented. Learning Objectives At the end of the chapter, readers will be able to: Provide components needed to effectively respond to human trafficking using a multi-sector approach; Describe the values, knowledge, and skills necessary for a successful multi-sector anti-trafficking response that avoids common pitfalls and barriers; and Present an example of two successful multi-sector anti-trafficking programs.

    Original languageEnglish (US)
    Title of host publicationRoutledge International Handbook of Human Trafficking
    Subtitle of host publicationA Multi-Disciplinary and Applied Approach
    PublisherTaylor and Francis
    Number of pages25
    ISBN (Electronic)9781351998154
    ISBN (Print)9781138244269
    StatePublished - Jan 1 2019

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • Economics, Econometrics and Finance(all)
    • General Business, Management and Accounting
    • General Social Sciences


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