Architecture and development of the Neurospora crassa hypha - a model cell for polarized growth

Meritxell Riquelme, Oded Yarden, Salomon Bartnicki-Garcia, Barry Bowman, Ernestina Castro-Longoria, Stephen J. Free, Andre Fleißner, Michael Freitag, Roger R. Lew, Rosa Mouriño-Pérez, Michael Plamann, Carolyn Rasmussen, Corinna Richthammer, Robert W. Roberson, Eddy Sanchez-Leon, Stephan Seiler, Michael K. Watters

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

108 Scopus citations


Neurospora crassa has been at the forefront of biological research from the early days of biochemical genetics to current progress being made in understanding gene and genetic network function. Here, we discuss recent developments in analysis of the fundamental form of fungal growth, development and proliferation - the hypha. Understanding the establishment and maintenance of polarity, hyphal elongation, septation, branching and differentiation are at the core of current research. The advances in the identification and functional dissection of regulatory as well as structural components of the hypha provide an expanding basis for elucidation of fundamental attributes of the fungal cell. The availability and continuous development of various molecular and microscopic tools, as utilized by an active and co-supportive research community, promises to yield additional important new discoveries on the biology of fungi.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)446-474
Number of pages29
JournalFungal Biology
Issue number6
StatePublished - Jun 2011
Externally publishedYes


  • Branching
  • Cell wall
  • Hyphal growth
  • Septation
  • Spitzenkörper

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics
  • Genetics
  • Infectious Diseases


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