An accurate and precise polynomial model of angular interrogation surface plasmon resonance data

Zhiyou Wang, J. J. Diamond, Rui Hou, Kun Wang, Lusheng Song, Yalin Su, Zheng Zheng, Jinsong Zhu

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

8 Scopus citations


We present a simple, statistically based method of fitting waveguide-coupled surface plasmon resonance (WCSPR) angular interrogation experiment data in the vicinity of the resonance angle using an appropriate polynomial model. This method allows one to determine the resonance angle to within precision of as little as 2% of the sampling step size, with mean results averaging about 8% of the step size, better than an order of magnitude improvement over no regression, achieved with little effort. In testing this method, we use theoretical and experimental WCSPR data. We have compared the statistical significance of using additional terms in a given polynomial representation. F-Ratio tests based on the "extra sum of squares" principle indicate that, in the vicinity of the resonance, approximately 20 millidegrees about the minimum, the addition of quintic or higher order terms to the quartic polynomial representation is not statistically significant. We have found that both cubic and quartic models produce estimates of the position of the minimum in which the confidence interval is both accurate and precise with an error of less than one tenth of a millidegree. In addition, a similar analysis of theoretical calculations suggests that this polynomial method, which is generally applicable to the determination of extrema in any spectrum, is capable of very high accuracy and precision.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)309-319
Number of pages11
JournalSensors and Actuators, B: Chemical
Issue number2
StatePublished - Jan 28 2011
Externally publishedYes


  • Angular interrogation
  • Confidence interval
  • Polynomial fitting
  • Regression model
  • SPR
  • Spectroscopy

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials
  • Instrumentation
  • Condensed Matter Physics
  • Surfaces, Coatings and Films
  • Metals and Alloys
  • Electrical and Electronic Engineering
  • Materials Chemistry


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