A Switching Electrode Fuel Cell for Improved Fuel Tolerance

Cody Friesen (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


A fuel cell includes a fuel source, an oxidizer source, and a plurality of electrodes each having a surface provided with an electrolyte. Relative movement is permitted between the electrodes and the fuel and oxidizer sources such that, when teh electrodes are cupled to a load, wach electrode is switched between (a) an anode condition wherein the electrolyte thereof communicates with the fuel cource to receive positive fuel ions and enables the electrode to conduct electrons from the fuel source to receive positive fuel ions and enables the electrode to conduct electrons from the fuel source to the load, and (b) a cathode condition wherein the electrode receives electrons from the load and the electrolyte communicates with the oxidizer source for enabling reaction of the oxidizer with the fuel ions from the electrolyte. The fuel cell also includes a driver to affect the relative movement between the electrodes and the fuel and oxidizer sources so as to continuously switch the electrodes between the anode and cathode conditions.
Original languageEnglish (US)
StatePublished - Dec 8 2006


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