A Joint Modeling Analysis of Passengers' Intercity Travel Destination and Mode Choices in Yangtze River Delta Megaregion of China

Yanli Wang, Bing Wu, Zhi Dong, Xin Ye

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10 Scopus citations


Joint destination-mode travel choice models are developed for intercity long-distance travel among sixteen cities in Yangtze River Delta Megaregion of China. The model is developed for all the trips in the sample and also by two different trip purposes, work-related business and personal business trips, to accommodate different time values and attraction factors. A nested logit modeling framework is applied to model trip destination and mode choices in two different levels, where the lower level is a mode choice model and the upper level is a destination choice model. The utility values from various travel modes in the lower level are summarized into a composite utility, which is then specified into the destination choice model as an intercity impedance factor. The model is then applied to predict the change in passenger number from Shanghai to Yangzhou between scenarios with and without high-speed rail service to demonstrate the applicability. It is helpful for understanding and modeling megaregional travel destination and mode choice behaviors in the context of developing country.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number5293210
JournalMathematical Problems in Engineering
StatePublished - 2016
Externally publishedYes

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Mathematics
  • General Engineering


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