Database of vertical separation measurements along the Lost River Fault (Idaho - USA) from 1983 Mw 6.9 earthquake ruptures and Quaternary fault scarps

  • Simone Bello (Contributor)
  • Chelsea Scott (Contributor)
  • Federica Ferrarini (Contributor)
  • Francesco Brozzetti (Contributor)
  • Tyler Scott (Contributor)
  • Daniele Cirillo (Contributor)
  • Rita de Nardis (Contributor)
  • Ramon Arrowsmith (Contributor)
  • Giusy Lavecchia (Contributor)



This database provides information on ground rupturing earthquakes along the Lost River Fault (Idaho - USA). Most recently, the fault was activated by the 1983 Borah Peak earthquake (Mw 6.9) which ruptured ~37 km of fault length with a maximum vertical separation of ~3 m and dominantly normal slip. Along ~20 km of fault strike, we acquired high-resolution topography and orthomosaic imagery. We developed a MATLAB algorithm that we use to calculate systematically the fault's vertical separation (VS) on topographic profiles spaced 5 m apart. We compute the VS from the vertical offset between the best-fit lines to the hanging wall and footwall topographic surfaces projected to the fault plane. We provide the most comprehensive database of VS along this fault for both the 1983 Mw 6.9 Borah Peak earthquake and Quaternary fault scarps. This database includes three tables (.txt format), two shapefiles (polyline feature type) and 1295 figures (pdf format).
Date made availableApr 20 2024

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