Classification of majority opinions and headnotes written by U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia

  • Linda L. Berger (Contributor)
  • Eric C. Nystrom (Contributor)



This is data to accompany an article by Linda L. Berger and Eric C. Nystrom, "A Rhetorical-Computational Analysis of Justice Antonin Scalia's 'Remarkable Influence': The Unexpected Importance of Deceptively Unanimous and Contested Majority Opinions," Journal of Appellate Practice and Process 20, no. 2 (2020). In "scalia-HN-with-ruletype.tsv," Berger classified each headnote from a Scalia-authored majority opinion as one of the following rhetorical types: argument, scalia rule, or preexisting rule. (See article for further explanation of these categories.) Organized by SCDB ID and headnote number. In "unanimity.tsv," Berger addressed each case with a Scalia-authored majority opinion, assessing the degree of unanimity, which may or may not be the same as that implied by the for/against vote in the case. Fields include case SCDB ID, majority-minority vote, and degree of unanimity. Both data files are in Tab-separated format. For further information, please contact the authors.
Date made availableJul 12 2019

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