Additional file 8 of RBM45 associates with nuclear stress bodies and forms nuclear inclusions during chronic cellular stress and in neurodegenerative diseases

  • Mahlon Collins (Creator)
  • Yang Li (St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center) (Creator)
  • Robert Bowser (Creator)
  • Mahlon Collins (Creator)
  • Yang Li (Creator)



Additional file 8: Figure S8. Characterization of endogeneous RBM45 CRISPR-cas9 edited HEK293 cells. CRISPR-cas9 genome editing was used to generate HEK293 cells expressing N-terminally 2x FLAG-tagged RBM45. (a) RBM45 transcript levels were evaluated by real-time PCR. The barplot presents the mean RBM45 transcript levels relative to unedited cells expressing wild-type RBM45. (b) Immunofluorescence was performed using an antibody to RBM45 in CRISPR-edited HEK293 cells. The results show that the abundance and subcellular distribution of RBM45 protein and HEK293 cell nuclear morphology are not altered by the 2X FLAG tag.
Date made available2020

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