Aboveground Net Primary Productivity across inter-annual precipitation variability treatments at a grassland site in the Jordada Basin, 2009-2014

  • Laureano A. Gherardi (Contributor)



This ongoing dataset contains annual aboveground net primary
productivity (ANPP) data from a study at the Jornada Experimental
Range (JER) in southern New Mexico. The study was designed to assess
the effect of interannual variability in precipitation on average
aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP) in Chihuahuan Desert
grasslands. The study began in 2009, has five precipitation treatments
(see Methods) and contains 50 plots (10 per treatment). This data
package contains 6-year (2009 to 2014) means of ANPP per plot. Annual
and more recent data are available and will be released pending an
upcoming publication.
Date made availableJan 1 2019
PublisherEnvironmental Data Initiative

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